Monday, April 30, 2007

Are you your Mood?

What is it in life that when we start something with a positive mind, full of optimism, we always seem to have to go through a lot of trouble to achieve our goals.

Wetter we like to achieve something or start a new friendship, there seems to be something like

The Law of the positive change cycle

The popular version of this law is something like

The way it go's

Now sometimes we're not able to make our own choices and things around us "happen to us", so it seems.
In these cases there's no positive cycle, but a negative one.

In any case it's important to be conscious of the phase you're in. Every phase has it's meaning and purpose to make you grow.

Try to make the difference between "being a moodshaker" yourself or being the spectator and watch your "mood shake".
Are you "your mood" or is your mood an instrument and is there a difference between your mood and yourself? Think about it !

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