Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Your Butterfly Effect

In chaos theory it's been proven that:

Little events can have big consequences

This phenomenon is in Chaos Theory known as

The Butterfly Effect

Imagine a butterfly on one side of the world flaps its wings. This tiny event causes a hurricane in another part of the world.

Although it can be somehow proved that certain small events cause or influence great phenomena's, we are not able to define a direct relationship (model) between them.
There are so many events that influence the process, that no matter how much we understand of the principles behind the events, we will never be able to model them completely.

Butterfly effects in your own life

Do you recognize The Butterfly Effect in your own world and life?

  • You explicitly didn't tell anyone it was your birthday today, yet in the evening your room is unexpected filled with uninvited guests.
  • In a conversation with a good friend you mention something unimportant. Your friend suddenly gets angry.
  • You try to sell your old television set to Mr. Unknown. But he's not enthusiastic. Then you smile and give up. A few minutes later Mr. Unknown decides to buy without any logical argument.
  • You do your job the best you can, but you never applied or asked for a promotion. After 5 years you suddenly are offered a major promotion from a concurring company.

It's really an art to discover how small events or actions may influence your life.
Try to achieve events or results by a minimum of force, talk, arguing, and use a maximum of "butterfly effects".
Although you'll not be able to explain how it works, you'll see that Butterflies actually can do the work in your life.

Good luck with your Butterfly Effect. Enjoy Butterflies !

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