Sunday, March 19, 2006

Are you hardwired?

Of course we're build up by DNA and organic material. But is our brain also hardwired, programmed, to believe in God?

Neuroscientist Rhawn Joseph has made a study of this question.
His colleague, radiologist Andrew Newberg, studied the brains of Tibetan monks and Franciscan nuns to seek for the relationship between neural activity and mystical experience.

In an interesting article, Rhawn concludes that hyperactivation of the amygdala (the hypothalamus), hippocampus and overlying temporal lobe gives a person the sense that he is floating or flying above his surroundings. It can trigger memories and hallucinations, create brilliant lights, and at the same time secrete neurotransmitters that induce feelings of euphoria, peace and harmony.
In fact you could say our brain is in a way preprogrammed to recognize patterns (faces, objects, language, music), to analyze and interpret (complexity, meaning, good & bad, feelings) and to associate (logical, creative, abstract).

It looks like the brain is also preprogrammed to perceive this God awareness, create dreams and to have self-reference thoughts.
Enjoy it !

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